
2013 June

Program Note

2012 August

Wild conjecture about an Apple TV set

2012 July

Hey, genius! Ads are about emotion!
Let’s try this again

2011 April

Hello, Fingerpaintball

2011 March

Facebook is not a social network

2011 February

Using curl to test .htaccess redirects

2011 January

How to make a VirtualBox guest boot from an external drive on a Mac host

2010 December

Changing the default scan format on a Canon imageCLASS MF8450c

2010 October

How to Learn to Program in 2010
Not even Apple can predict the future

2010 September

File references relative to DERIVED_FILE_DIR in Xcode
A simple way to keep your Mac awake

2010 May

MetroCost is now free!

2010 April

Working vs. writing about work

2010 March

iPhone Apps: Two Kinds of Approval

2010 January

Make Xcode nag you about unfinished TODOs
Draw your own Disclosure Indicator

2009 December

Windows is still terrible
Don’t call it a comeback!

2009 November

Nicer ways to view UNIX man pages
Don’t printf when you can tcpdump

2009 October

Introducing MetroCost
Which App Store?
A Spam Filter for Facebook Events
Avoid defining your iPhone app’s default values in two places

2009 August

My beef with District 9
Bracket-notation syntax
App Store Reviewer Incentives

2009 June

FatWatch 1.4.1
FatWatch and iPhone OS 3.0
I cannot fix your Windows computer

2009 May

A nifty piece of technology

2009 April

Believing ideas are made
Needless failure

2009 March

Why Apple won’t pre-approve apps
How the App Store review process probably works
iTunes App Store now identifies reviews by app version
I joined a gym
Imagined rejection?

2009 February

mkbuild, an iPhone project build script
Struck by Lightning
Solving the Plastic Bag Problem

2009 January

Lock ‘n’ Roll Updated
Why I went to Washington
Let America Be America Again
What’s New in FatWatch 1.4
How Apple profits from “ringtone apps”
Microsoft Songsmith
Call for beta testers
Why FatWatch doesn’t split the picker
You can’t control your weight if you aren’t aware of it
I absolutely recommend this tax prep seminar
We return to normalcy

2008 December

Which RSA key goes with which?
How I organize feeds in Google Reader
daivenluo’s Lock ‘n’ Roll video review
Good news everybody
Lock ‘n’ Roll: a new game for your iPhone
A detective novel mystery
I hereby invent PROSAIC web architecture
2008 Best App Ever Awards
WTF, Time Machine?
WTF is a digital signature?
Remote update
A FatWatch API?
Tonight: Fat Penguin vs. The Stepfathers
FatWatch pricing announcement
BMI preview
phplist bounce processing patch works in 2.10.8
Rest in peace, Bob Petrillose
Time Machine automatically finds your sparse image
What’s the frequency, New York City?
Follow FatWatch on Twitter
Try FatWatch for Free
It’s a marathon, not a sprint

2008 November

I’m standing beneath a “mission accomplished” banner
Get FatWatch for $4.99
I’m famous!
This is mostly about resolutions
Can I declare “undereating” a word?
Oh boy
Show Xcode where to find Subversion 1.5
iPhone OS 2.2
It’s worth what it’s worth
Late night/early morning revelation
Google Holiday Trends
How to set your goals
Exercise widgets

2008 October

Department store account
On relational databases

2008 September

phplist v2.10.5 bounce processing patch
Unit testing is a lot like going to the gym
iPhone openURL: limit
Creating a RAM disk on Mac OS X