Posted on December 11, 2008 at 3:33pm EST. More.

Tonight: Fat Penguin vs. The Stepfathers

Fat Penguin, the adorable-yet-overweight improv team of which I am a member, is performing tonight in Cage Match: The World’s Most Dangerous Improv Show tonight at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre.

Somehow we managed a solid 2-1 record at the start of the year, making us the #7 seed for the final tournament. We are challenging The Stepfathers, who perform at the theatre every Friday night and are kind of a big deal, at least in the small part of the world I inhabit. Bobby Moynihan, who recently joined the cast of Saturday Night Live, is a member, and though he’s been busy lately being famous on television, will probably be there tonight.

What I’m trying to say is:

Reserve a ticket, then come to the theatre, watch the show, and vote. Preferably, for Fat Penguin.